::why do i believe there is GOD?::

Of all arguments and debates maybe the topic about Lord Jesus Christ is the most crucial topic. Its the most controversial subject of all times. Why should we suppose to believe in him? Is he for real? If his real why are this happening to me? Why is the world in chaos? Why! Why! Why! Maybe this are the questions lingering in your head. So as mine before i became a real christian. I mean its hard to believe in something you didn't see in your eyes. Specially the creation of the world, since science is contradicting it. Big bang theory and this and that. First of all where did big bang theory begun? how did it happen without a superior creator behind it? Have you ever ask yourself how a tree grew as it is in a very unique way that nobody can imitate it? Have you ever ask yourself how everything in nature is in order? How the photosynthesis is happening? Have you ever ask how everything begun? You can't say it all begun on those small amoebas and grew into like this and like that. Then where did those little creatures came from and grew as it is into something? If man is from monkey why there are still monkeys today?

There are lots of proofs that God existed and the Bible is true like the once mentioned in the Bible that still exist today. Like the hanging gardens of babylon. And if you just search there are science that proves God's existence.

There are lots of questions in human mind, its how God created human mind. But if you try to understand God you will never understand him. Because he is God, if you can understand him then He will not be a God. Believing in God is like believing in a invisible man that nobody can see it, you can't literally prove He existed because you can't let them see his physical body, but you know he existed and is existing, and that is called FAITH.

There are lots of proofs that God exists, but you can never give a proof that he never existed. God is for real and he created all the things that here on earth. If you will just look around then you will know that God is great and you should believe in Him. But God gave as free will for us to choose what to believe in.


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