Today is another day, of course it is hahaha. I woke up early, dress up, and went to volunteer work with my brother in law. Each day its getting colder and colder and i am not used to the cold weather since I came from a tropical country. It's my first autumn season here. And its nice and amazing, I'm like an innocent kid who experience or saw something new, and it makes me very excited. The colors of the trees are very pretty, it reminds me that its beautiful to live a life. Actually i hate those who says "I wanna die, I want to end this life". I am not judging them for saying that, whatever problem they may have. But come on, everyone has a problem, for me if I think about it life is full of exciting things, good and bad, but people fail to see the true beauty of life. People who says they want to end everything just don't see the good side of life, they don't appreciate little things that are happening to them. For me if the life goes against me? I just don't mind it, I mean I don't let it eat me alive hahaha. The greatest sadness or whatever you call it that I've experienced in my life for now is when my dad died, I did not cried because he died, I cried the WAY he died. And I have lots of question in my mind that only he can answer. But yeah I need to accept he is gone now. Even though he wasn't that very close to me and I hated him when I was younger, he was still my father, the reason why I am here. Enjoying and fighting for life.
If I did have a chance to choose a father, I will still choose him, coz I won't be the person I am now if not because of him.


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