Why love is complicated?

If you ask a person about love, they define it in thousand of words. LOVE is the only word you can't define in a one certain word. You can't convince a man that love is like this and like that, he or she can define it always in different way. They say love hurts, love is a bullshit, love can happen in first sight. Which basically not all true.

I can tell someone I love him, but i have reasons. Because when people can hear the word love, its always being connected to couple thingy. But its not always about two persons. I might love someone in a brotherly way, or in a friend or whatever, or family love.

Man just make the word love complicated. Between man and woman the word love is complicated. They say i love him or her, even if they haven't know the person yet, just because he or she is good looking. Looks can be deceiving as they say. That's why there are lots of failed relationship because they base it all in looks.

I am so greatful i am not that pretty, i mean i don't have those hotty bodies hahaaha
I always look around, lots are beautiful in hollywood and all but come on they don't have successful relationship. The more beautiful or handsome you are the lots of temptation around you. And we are only a person, its hard to deal with temptations.

Love for me well yeah for me i have my own definition of love. Love is when you love the whole person (spirit, heart, mind and body). If you love a person just because of the physical basis that's lust. Lasting relationships are those that are built on love - not infatuation or lust. Imagine the person you love in 50 years when they are old and fat. Would that change how you feel about them? If yes, then what you feel now is most likely lust/infatuation - not love.

Jealousy is the first destroyer of relationship. Mostly for girls. Girls are the one who always get jealous in one relationship, if you give them enough reason to get jealous. But sometimes girls are lame, they get jealous without any reason, they make some story in their minds so they get always jealous. Jealousy is a product of insecurity, pride, and lack of trust.

Love is when you are willing to plan your future with that person. Its when you trust him or her. But when someone cheated on you and still love that person, that's not love anymore that's being blind and stupid. If someone cheats on you and gave him second chance and cheat again, then break up with him or her.

Love is the greatest gift of all. Its how you handle it, simple or complicated, its up to you.


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