Who Am I? (previous blog)

Ok this whole thing will be written in informal form, whatever i write here it all comes from me, its all about me, how I came to this world, how was i before, how am i now and how did I became me. I am not writing this whole thing to gain popularity or something, I am writing this coz i want other people to know my thoughts, I will let them try to understand who am I. And I am not trying to be a drama queen here, I am just being myself.

Lets start with how my parent met and how they end up to the marriage thingy. Once upon a time...a wait i will not begin it with that LOL this ain't a fairy tale. My dad onced help building the house of my granpa which is my mom's dad. And then one day my grandpa sold a lot for i guess its 25,000 pesos which is equivalent to $500, and then my crazy dad took it all away and told my granpa that he will not return the money unless my mom will not marry him. So my grandpa arrange the marriage immediately. My mom wa only 15 years old that time and my dad was 25 years old, and the crazy thing was they faked the age of my mom and turned it to 18 years old so that they can have the marriage ceremony. And when my mom was really 18 years of age already my oldest sister was born and then lastly i was born the youngest in the family, my mom was 42 when i was born and my dad was 52. They never thought they will still have me, i was a menopausal baby haha maybe that's why i am special LOL. I have 5 brothers and 5 sisters, but suppose to be we should be 13 children in the family but the 2 died, one coz of miscarriage and the other one died when he was still a baby. After how many years my dad owned a 20 hectares land, but hey don't think we are rich hahhaaha.

My dad was a drunkard hitting my mom always if he is drunk, there was a time when my dad hit my mom in the head with a bolo ( a large knife) but in God's grace nothing happened to my mom. Imagine your dad early in the morning, he is drunk and he is angrily calling your name, maybe you will have your knees weakened hahaha but i was used to it already. The most memorable time for me when was i had a fever and my dad was drunk and was asleep in our room in kapatagan, mindanao (a place in philippines, which is really far from civilization), and when he woke up and my mom was making a milk for me, he went out of the room and went straight to my mom and slap her in the face without any reason. That was the time i held grudge to my dad. and so and so all of us held grudge to my dad. Our dad was strict really strict, when he was at home before you can't laugh out loud, you can't listen to the radio, and many don'ts. I grew up in a town where in ur neighborhood will be found miles away from you, so they can't here you even if you shout on the most loudest voice you will have. I have seen monkeys, deers, wild pig, in the real forest. Actually i was almost bitten by snake before hahaha. And our school is like 2 miles away from our house and we have to walk every morning for it but i did survive for 4 years of my life.

I grew up in a farm, our pet were goats, chickens, carabaos, horses hahaha...but yeah i really enjoyed my childhood. I played with my real playmates, no computers, no televisions. I met my true and real friends coz there were no internets there no cyber thingys, we played in the mud, on the soil. We played with the real toys that were made by our own hands. If we want to eat something we just climb on fruit tress and were solved haha. We does not know what are child depressions are all about. We played, we fell, we cry, and we stand up again and laugh at each other hhahaha. that's how we did manage our lives. Until we came to Luzon (a civilize place in the philippines) I was 8 years old when i saw a movie in the theater ( the movie was blade starring wesley snipes hahaha). My mom left me at home when i was 10 years old. And i was with my dad and other siblings. I promised myself that I will do everything for my mom coz she did everything for us. Work here in america for us. And now I am here, i never thought I will be here hahaha.

The person that i am now will never happen if that bad things did not happen in my life and my family's life. I can say that now I am that strong girl who can face anything in life, with God's help I know I can pass anything, there is no struggle in life that God will give us that we can't handle. I never regret anything that happened to me. I am who am I now and I will continue to live on what i believe, and no one can pull me down!


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