
LIFE...maybe its the most simple and complicated thing in this world. Its true sometimes life can be a bitch to you. Sometimes I ask God why and how? but do we really have the right to ask Him about the bad things that are happening to our life? OF course we don't have, coz if we are happy and we have everything we don't care to ask God why are we happy? Life can sometimes be unfair to you, but that's how life is. You are the one controlling your life, if its boring or if its happy, it will be up to you how you make it. For me even if i don't have a lot of friends i don't care, i can live my own life happily, i can go out with myself, with my family. Sometimes i might be confuse of what i want in life but then God shows me the reasons and the answers about the "WHYs" of this life i have. My purpose in my life isn't about me its all about how i make my life and how other people affect my life, and how I serve GOD. And its all about what u think about urself rather than what people thinks about you. if you think that you lose then u lose already. So always think that you are a winner in life. (:

::story from the heart::

i made this poem for someone

ohhh by the way if your reading this you know who you are

i hope you will like it

and just think it came from you bessy

i love you man! (:


Once I heard a story straight from the heart
About a boy and how his world began to fall apart

It started when he met the girl that made his world complete

Just thinking of her made his heart run fast in a beat

They were the couple everyone wanted to be

When they're together time seems didn’t flee

Until he made a mistake unnoticeably

That changed everything in his world completely

After the countless relationship he had gone

He thought he found the right one

And when his ready to give everything, it was all gone

He cursed LOVE, and swears never to love

He once fought for it, but broken heart is what it gave

One year had passed

And he is still haunted by the past

You can see him act cool; you can see him act careless

But deep inside him you can see a deep abyss

Someone just killed the LOVE in him

But now someone was willing to kill the pain

The pain and hurt he was carrying as a burden

But seems like his heart was completely hardened

As months and years had passed he became more unaware

About how it’s ok life’s unfair

Because even though memory always last

Eventually everything’s becomes your past

And with that I hope he will always see
that not all love is meant to be
but never lose hope, hold on and don't give in
Stand tall, hold up your chin

And believe me when I say
the right one will come one day
she’ll open your eyes to things you couldn't ever see…

And you can and will find the person you always wanted to be…

Quote of the day (:

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”


Why am I crying now? I am not supposed to cry. But I will admit I'm crying coz his not talking to me. Well that's part of the reason but I don't know. I just stare at the picture and cry. Sounds crazy right? Hahaha must be....I should teach him how to fall in love lol now seems like I need help how to fall out of it... O don't want to return to my cold side... That's kinda scary lol...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod Touch


The following conversation was heard between a teenager and God:
"How long is a million years to You, Lord?"
"Oh, about a second," He replied.
"Well, how much is a million dollars to You, Lord?"
"oh, about a penny,"said God.
The teen promptly asked,
"Would You give me a penny, Lord?"
"Sure thing, "God answered, "in a second."


God has promised to take care of you. " 'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jer. 29:11). But even though your mind might tell you that it's best to wait for the Lord, there may be times when you will be tempted in your heart to lose patience and make the wrong decision.
There's one area where choosing second best is too common. A high school girl wrote, "I always thought I'd be a virgin when I got married. I made a promise to God in my sophomore year that I would never date a non-Christian. Because I had a high morals and all the popular guys at school knew they couldn't score with me, I didn't have a single date that year. By the time my junior year came, I just couldn't wait for a Christian boyfriend anymore. I started dating a guy who told me that he loved me, and believed him. I gave him what he wanted, and now I never see him anymore. I feel so cheap."
The truth of her situation is easy to understand. This girl sacrificed the permanent on the altar of the immediate. She gave up God's best and settled for second best, which was no good at all.
The point of this story is that you can trust God to keep His promises to you. God "does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a man, that he should change his mind" (1 Sam 15:29). Sometimes it takes more courage to wait than take (the wrong) action. So be patient. God'ts not going to take a million years.

::young but not naive::

yeah that's age might be young...but i learned a lot in life already...i learned in life the hard way...i can distinguish what's wrong and what's right...i know who is real and not...but now something's bothering me...and i am hating to think bout it...i don't want to think about it...i hope he will just say he is not serious at all...

::random facts about me::

1. I hate shopping. (specially if i don't have money lol)
2. I am not fashionable, i can wear whatever clothes available on my closet.
3. I can count how many clothes i am wearing all in all.
4. I don't wear accessories, except wrist watch.
5. I will not spend an hour in the mirror preparing myself.
6. I don't wear make up that often.
7. I have eaten exotic foods (snake, farm rat, frog, rabbit, dog, cat, crickets, silk worm, deer, wild pig...) can't remember the others lol.
8. I might talk too much online but in person i don't talk that much if u are not a close friend.
9. I lived in a farm for almost 9 years of my life.
10. I love cooking.
11. I don't know how to play chess.
12. I hate CLOWNS.
13. I don't really love books but started to learn how to love it just because i want to improve my english.
14. I once was dean's list top 14 among hundreds almost thousand student in my department back in college.
15. I graduated as top 6 when i was in highschool.
16. I love to write.
17. I have 5 sisters and 5 brothers.
18. I am addicted to internet...which is not really good lol
19. I don't like brat girls...they get on my nerves.
20. I love being loved (:
21. I never had a boyfriend in my life.
22. There was once in my life where in i thought of becoming a lesbian hahaha
23. I love GOD.
24. I love traveling, that is my dream.
25. I love action movies, romantic comedy, drama, horror.comedy.
26. I am a plain dumb in math.
27. I am sometimes introverted sometimes extroverted type of person.

::the mask::

The Mask
A mask of plastic happiness often covers her sadness
Her beliefs hidden from most
Afraid of, but willing to face the unknown
Wondering where her place is in this life
She has come close to sharing herself
Never completely revealing anything to anyone
Feelings of invisible chains corner her
When she dreams, reality shatters before her very eyes
Accomplishments she strives for just at hands grasp
She feels lost sometimes, not yet finding her notch in this world
At times the glimmer in her calm eyes slowly disappears
But within her heart a silent flame burns her inside and out
She roams day by day, playing roles
Strength unknowingly resides in her
History repeats itself once again
The translucent veil she so proudly wears
Little by little answers will come, pushing it aside
One day there will be no more mask for her to wear
One day her beliefs will be known
One day she'll know her place in this life
One day she will share herself
ONE DAY this mask will be NO MORE

::when someone departs::

I know it was August, Saturday morning u.s time. We were about to enjoy a party, when we received a call. Dad died. Few days before that we received a call that he drank a poison. Early in the morning I am not up yet my mom woke me up and told me about the news from Philippines, and my mom looked like she was calm but i know for sure she was worried. Then they brought my dad to the hospital, i did still hear his voice wanting to removed the tube from his throat. I can feel his pain, coz my nurse sister told me how painful the tube was to be in the throat.
I can't process on my mind why did dad made that, 4 months before we went here he was still ok. I know my dad, he is not the dad that a lot wants to have. He was a drunkard, i admit that, he was not that good father to us, but he was still our father. I was not that close to him, we always did argue, he never showed to us, his kids that he loved us, but i know he did. One thing i did regret when he was gone that i never did hug him before i left Philippines, coz i thought there was still time for me to do that, i never did tell him the words "i love you" coz i never thought he was gone by that. I never saw his body which have died, because i don't want to. I don't want to remember him as a cold corpse, but i want to remember his face, his living face, the face that laughed with us when we were watching t.v.
Maybe its just hard for me to accept that he died because he committed SUICIDE. That's painful for us, i don't know the reason, his reason, but i know God knows it. I will not hate for my dad for that. Because of what happened to my family, i became stronger, I always learn the hard way. Well its hard that my dad died already but that's life, and i know i can face whatever it is. I am a strong girl.


If you hear this words I am sure you will disagree with it. Why is it not a feeling? I can feel it, my body tingles when i see him or her looking or talking to me. Well this are the physiological manifestations when one has the sensation of "falling in love". People usually falls for a person because that person satisfies the one on their lists.
We usually fall in love with the person's appearance, with the way she/he walks, the way he/she talks. Sometimes we impute to our object of love some mystic illusion, ideal qualities and the more we get to know the person the less we fall for him or her. That's when the feeling of love disappears even faster than it appeared.
Love is not a feeling, love is a decision you make and continue to make in order to create an experience that is described as love. Love is an action that if you don't use it you lose it. Love is like any communication, if you never send it out, you won’t get a return. Love is something you give to others not something you feel because something happens to you.
Most teens says they fall in love with that person because of this and that. Because she is pretty, nice, smart, but when that person fails to show the person that thought she was then you will change your mind about that person. And that is not love.
Love is maybe the most complicated word to describe in human history. Many will define it, some are right and most of the time they define it wrong. They say love hurts, love is painful, love is blind. This are the wrong viewpoints of human beings about love. Hurt, pain are not from love its from the people doing it.
Love is a probably the single most universally desired human quality that exist on this planet. Love is not something you can buy or barter, it is not taught at school, it doesn’t matter how rich you are, your IQ, race, creed, religion, social economic status or who you know. Remember love is not a feeling; love is a decision!


ok today was lil bit boring day, no volunteer work...i have been here 5 months not studying yeah that's why i am just reading some english books and math books by myself refreshing my mind out the things i have learned long time ago...hahaha ohh not long time ago...the other day i just caught up in a traffic for 2 hours coz of severe accident in our way i got home so tired after doing volunteer work helping at the thanksgiving dinner for the whole day...i know volunteer work is boring, no pay and lots of work, but its a stepping stone for me and time by time i am loving it. I interact with other people for the fact that its better than to stay home and do nothing. I need to exercise my communication skills more than ever. I am going to enter college on january! OMG oh well yeah i am going to school already!! i am excited for it and nervous at the same time coz they are new people, new friends, new race, new new new...hahaha
and what my online friends, others forgotten me already...deleted perves ahahah...and uhh i'm going to watch twilight today! yeah new moon i hope it will be great i hope i hope....ok ok see you again later i will write more about it (:

::why do i believe there is GOD?::

Of all arguments and debates maybe the topic about Lord Jesus Christ is the most crucial topic. Its the most controversial subject of all times. Why should we suppose to believe in him? Is he for real? If his real why are this happening to me? Why is the world in chaos? Why! Why! Why! Maybe this are the questions lingering in your head. So as mine before i became a real christian. I mean its hard to believe in something you didn't see in your eyes. Specially the creation of the world, since science is contradicting it. Big bang theory and this and that. First of all where did big bang theory begun? how did it happen without a superior creator behind it? Have you ever ask yourself how a tree grew as it is in a very unique way that nobody can imitate it? Have you ever ask yourself how everything in nature is in order? How the photosynthesis is happening? Have you ever ask how everything begun? You can't say it all begun on those small amoebas and grew into like this and like that. Then where did those little creatures came from and grew as it is into something? If man is from monkey why there are still monkeys today?

There are lots of proofs that God existed and the Bible is true like the once mentioned in the Bible that still exist today. Like the hanging gardens of babylon. And if you just search there are science that proves God's existence.

There are lots of questions in human mind, its how God created human mind. But if you try to understand God you will never understand him. Because he is God, if you can understand him then He will not be a God. Believing in God is like believing in a invisible man that nobody can see it, you can't literally prove He existed because you can't let them see his physical body, but you know he existed and is existing, and that is called FAITH.

There are lots of proofs that God exists, but you can never give a proof that he never existed. God is for real and he created all the things that here on earth. If you will just look around then you will know that God is great and you should believe in Him. But God gave as free will for us to choose what to believe in.

Freedom by the KATINAS

Freedom is not the ability to do what you want to do
Freedom is not the ability, the right to do what I want to do
It is the power to do what you should do
Freedom is the freedom to love not hate, that’s what it is
If you can’t love, you can’t forgive your not free

So mind blowing to me this sense of liberty
I think its safe to say its taken over me
For this we fought so long
It wasn’t all for nothing
Trials and tribulations have come to make us strong

Now more than we ever understand
We’re locked together within
We’ve been united by faith
Not gonna run away
So with the Spirit of hope we will find our victory
It lives inside of our soul
Just believe

Raise your hand to the sky
If you feel what I’m feelin’
Till the end we will fight we will fight for our freedom

Bound up the darkness falls
Shadows are closing in
The air is getting cold
Depression settling
Don’t wait until its over time will not delay
So stop procrastinating, its time to break the chains

Lets come together and stand
The world is watching
Our faith is even stronger now
Despite all the opposition
So with the spirit of hope we will find our victory
It lies inside our soul just believe

Raise your hand to the sky
If you feel what I’m feelin’
Till the end we will fight we will fight for our freedom

::loosing weight::

Loosing weight is not that easy. Seriously, you need to eat lesser, exercise more. Currently i gain little pounds i am 110 lbs before now i am 113 pounds. That means i need to lose more weight. I want it badly!!
I hope I can, i will record all of my foods in my notes of how much i am taking in...
I hope I will lose weight in a month!


If you are fan of horror movie, this is the best movie for you. The story, the effects, the setting, the acting. Forget about the zombie or vampire virus, the hands and feet being cut or a sadako like girl on it. The ghost or whatever entity it is, is not showing itself on the movie, its like its for real. The setting is in house, BEDROOM! which usually people are afraid that paranormal activities will happen. The quality of the video is like it did really happen. The story line is good. The acting was good. And after watching it, it will get into ur head and after that it will creep you out!

Watch it and freak out!

::New Friend::

Today i was so happy, i meet a new friend and her name is Ariel Xu, who was from China and just moved here in u.s like 2 weeks ago. She is nice, she is 25 years old already and she is married to a white man...I am really glad i am meeting new people and building my new life here...

::things i hate::


First of all i am not "her"! Secondly, I can't be her! and Thirdly you should deal with that! I really hate being compared to other person like, she is more beautiful than you or whatever. So what it does not mean she is as smart as me lol...


If I am doing something and you told me already what to do, I surely understand what to do and i just need time to do it, don't repeat it to me unless i ask for it!


I am always willing to listen to your stories and your problems, and give you advice if I do so. But please if you can just don't mention about one topic the whole day cuz that's like eating the same food the whole month!


If i have a friend in a relationship, if its a girl, i hate it when they come to me and complain and say they are clean, they are innocent about the problems that came up, I am a girl so i sometimes know that girls really do blame guys that its their fault and stuffs. One thing that i will say, if the relationship does not work out even if you love the guy then break with him. Guys sometimes will really find another girl if they are fed up with you, even married guys do that what more in gf/bf relationship. Guys are like that, its their nature, deal with it. But before you let them go break their bones first lol. be continued ( i am sleepy lol)

::change routine::

Its been a long week since i finally decided to change my routine.
Before i sleep at 1 am in the morning
Now I need to sleep before 11 PM
and i think that's good. I have my volunteer work, which is kinda tiring but i am loving it. I love to mingle with the old people, even if sometimes they are rude. I just go on my laptop now check emails, answer it and that's it i have no time to chat anymore since i need to pass an exam for college, no time to browse profiles, and my time is getting filled up with things. Oh well i need to do this stuffs, but its fine. I hope this change will be for good.

But even though i miss my laptop so much, online friends....huhuhuhu

+NOYPI+ (english translation)

This is the song dedicated all filipinos around the world!


Tingnan mo ang iyong palad
Kalyado mong kamay
Sa hirap ng buhay
Sa dami mong problema
Nakuha mo pang ngumiti
Noypi ka nga

Saan ka man naroroon
Wag kang matatakot
Sa baril o patalim
Sa bakas na madilim

Pinoy ako
Buo aking loob
May agimat ang dugo ko
Pinoy ako
May agimat ang dugo ko

Sinisid ko ang dagat
Nilibot ko ang mundo
Nasa puso ko pala
ang hinahanap kong kulo
Ilang beses na akong muntikang mamatay
Alam ko ang sekreto
kaya’t andito pa’t buhay

Sabi nila may anting-anting ako
Pero di nila alam na Diyos ang dahilan ko

Pinoy ako
Buo aking loob
May agimat ang dugo ko
Pinoy ako
May agimat ang dugo ko

Dinig mo ba ang bulong ng lahi mo
Isigaw mo kapatid ang himig natin

English Translation


Look at your palm
Your hand is calloused
From the difficulties of life
But despite your many problems
You are still able to smile
You're really noypi (Filipino)
Tough guy!

Wherever you may be
Don't be afraid
Of guns or knives
Or dark footprints

I'm a Filipino
My heart is strong
There's an amulet in my blood (Literally: I live a charmed life.)
I'm a Filipino
There's an amulet in my blood

I dived into the depths of the ocean
I went around the world
Only to find out that in my heart
was the depth I was looking for
How many times have I cheated death?
I know the secret
why I'm still here alive

They say I have an amulet
But they don't know that God is my reason

I'm a Filipino
My heart is strong
There's an amulet in my blood (Literally: I live a charmed life.)
I'm a Filipino
There's an amulet in my blood

Do you hear the whisper of your race?
Shout out our song, my brother!

::the PROPOSAL::

Today after church, I learned something bout wisdom. What is real wisdom, its a skill that is applied, and knowledge is a mere information in your mind and you are not even applying it in your life. Having wisdom means being wise because you are learning from experience real experience, not just a book. THAT WHAT I HAVE LEARNED TODAY.

Ok after that we had a lunch, youth bible study, and went home. And I cleaned our messy room, we went shopping yesterday for spring clothes and i am so broke i spent $130 for just shoes and dress gosh (>.<). oh well as long as i will not freeze in cold its fine lol.

And i watch a movie today entitled the Proposal, it was hilarious and funny and really crazy movie. A girl and a guy in an arrange marriage coz the girl was about to be deported to Canada coz of her papers. And the girl was like tough, strong and the boss of the guy. But then in the long run she fell in love with the guy...Its really sweet, romantic and funny.

::I have a BIG GOD::

When everything seems wrong and everything seems to end, i only trust God. For the long run of my life, i have proven how good God is in my life. I came from a poor family, I grew up in a farm, basically my dad has like 20 hectares land in Philippines, i know its a big space of land but we aren't rich. We are 11 siblings but were able to finish all our studies and have good works now, except for me coz i haven't finish yet my studies. I and my family has been to lots of problems, for now i am having problem how will i enter college here in u.s because its so expensive. We don't have a big house either, but at least we have a house hahaha. I can't get whatever i want. I did not live like other teenagers do. Careless about everything, for me i have to think about everything about my family, i have to do responsibilities.

I went through lots of problems, down and falls of life, but there is God, he is always there, i have faith in him, that even though everything will go wrong he will always be there for me. I just have to trust in Him. I know he has purpose for everything that happened to my life. How my dad died, how my life became like this, he has something for me at the end of the road. So i will just smile...=) for everything...

::first snow::

Today was very special day i have my first snow experience!
and of course i went outside so that i can feel it hahaha
i was like so ignorant about snow, i know how snow looks like but i don know how it feels like and the texture and the smell hahaha
and yeah i love it!!

It was very very cold yet i went outside to feel the snow!

this is a weird look hahaha in snow! lol
this was after like 3 hours snow it was not that too much but they said this isn't the real snow. I am waiting for the real one to come! wahahaha

::living on the right track is hard::

living on the right way is i think the hardest to do. People always knows what is wrong and what is right. For me i grew up in a christian family. I basically know what is right and what is wrong, I know what's against the law and what goes with it.

God made rules for men to follow, a standard of life for us to follow. Its a choice for us to follow. But sometimes we are just too naive and hard headed to not follow it. Why? This is the question that usually i ask. Why do people does the wrong thing if they know what is right? For just an instance me, i know what is wrong and what is right, i know that God is watching me so as the devil. But i am still sinning, I am doing things that violate the rules.

God basically died for our sin on the cross. Believe it or not, better believe it because nothing will be lost to you if u do believe it. Its better to believe in God and die and be surprise he does not exist than not believing in God and die and be surprise He is real. Man is just a sinner, we do wrong things, even if we know its wrong. But men mentality says "it feels good to do the wrong things, coz its fun."

Sin basically causes guilt, fear, lost connection with God in the long run. People only know they did wrong if its already done, that's how they are. If there are people who does the right thing, they are strong enough to do it. Its hard to do the right thing, coz its human nature. But people should always remember, that living on the hard right track has a reward at the end of the race. Just need to do what is right and God will do the rest.

::Gay Song::

I woke up this morning hearing this song and yeah it really makes me laugh
for a girl being IN LOVE WITH GAY that's the story of this song hahaha...buti am not in love with a gay ok? but i have bestfriend who is gay when i was in college in philippines. They have the brain, humor and i love them! ahahaha

Your hair is soft and shiny
Your beard is awfully neat
Your eyebrows are so tidy
To smell you is a treat
You look so terribly spiffing
You always steal the show
You fill my heart with laughter
When I'm feeling low

Your humour is so super
You really make me smile
You're a man of information
and as sweet as tate and lyle
We have so much in common
We get along just swell
I love kissing boys
and you love that as well

We'd really make a handsome pair
excepting one detail
If only you liked women or
If only I were male

We'd throw some splendid parties
Invite our friends to dine
Eat continental cheeses
And drink the finest wines
Our home would be delightful
I think it's safe to say
We'd get along so famously,
Its too bad that you're gay

::I heart you online:: the sweetest and cutest love song for online lovers!

Every morning I wake up with lingering dreams of you and my heart is beguile.
I struggle to think just what else I can do, then log into my favourite online social networking website
I want to be in your profile picture
I want to be a permanent fixture on your wall
You're so beautiful
Wish I could be in your profile status
Featuring the place where you update us
Maybe then i'll hug you online
I heart you online.

I can see from you information you like japanese animation and stir fry
well so do I
I read the books that you love reading
I must say you're quite appealing.
Maybe you can poke me sometime
I heart you online.
I heart you online.

Ba da ba da da baa
Ba da ba da da baa
Da da da da da da

Click on my face and tell me that you love me!
You signed your message with three kisses, could be wrong but i think this is
Your way to convey
That my love is not unrequited
But i won't get too excited
Since you're only virtually mine
I heart you online.

I heart you online
I heart you online.


this is my first poem, result of boredom in volunteer work hahaha. Well i have this friend who inspires me to right this poem i know how he feels hahaha but i don't love him as someone or whatever i love him as a friend and brother this is a simple, not even rich in vocabulary poem hahaha. I just use simple words and its really simple and not complicated, its like a poem made by a primary student hahaha.
I hope you will like it!

You will see him on the shimmering light
Smiling, standing in a might
He stands in a crowd
And could make every girls proud

You thought he was happy
Who have everything completely
But look into his restless heart
And you will find the missing part

He had gone a long journey to find the right one
How long is his journey that he needs to run?
Before he finds his someone
Some questions that in his mind runs

When he thought he found the right one
Everything will fall in a sudden
Into broken pieces and be gone
And find himself loving no one

He is willing to love and be loved
By the girl he thought he had
But he wasn’t willing no more to be broken
Again and again

Is he just blind not to notice her?
Or he didn’t know she was there.
Will he ever find her?
Or will he be alone forever.

::today's snapshot::

the smallest house on the left hahaha

sunset makes me live longer haha

I love the blue sky~~=)

Leaves are changing colors, and i love it~=)

uhh traffic! weve been late for 30 minutes oh well i can't do nothing about it, just take pics hahaha

hahaha this caught my eyes ADULT PLAYTIME BOUTIQUE hahaha

ohhh cars how i wish i have one of them oh well soon i will have hahaha
this is where i do my volunteer work hahaha

look at his eyes hahaha
activity room where all happens hahaha
going home so late already 5:30 pm coz of my bro in law's overtime but it was beautiful i mean the sunset =)

The Ugly Truth About Beauty by Dave Barry

If you're a man, at some point a woman will ask you how she looks.

"How do I look?" she'll ask.

You must be careful how you answer this question. The best technique is to form an honest yet sensitive opinion, then collapse on the floor with some kind of fatal seizure. Trust me, this is the easiest way out. Because you will never come up with the right answer.

The problem is that women generally do not think of their looks in the same way that men do. Most men form an opinion of how they look in the seventh grade, and they stick to it for the rest of their lives. Some men form the opinion that they are irresistible stud muffins, and they do not change this opinion even when their faces sag and their noses bloat to the size of eggplants and their eyebrows grow together to form what appears to be a giant forehead-dwelling tropical caterpillar.

Most men, I believe, think of themselves as average-looking. Men will think this even if their faces cause heart failure in cattle at a range of 300 yards. Being average does not bother them; average is fine for men. This is why men never ask anybody how they look. Their primary form of beauty care is to shave themselves, which is essentially the same form of beauty care that they give to their lawns. If, at the end of his four-minute daily beauty regimen, a man has managed to wipe most of the shaving cream out of his hair and is not bleeding too badly, he feels that he has done all he can, so he stops thinking about his appearance and devotes his mind to more critical issues, such as the Super Bowl.

Women do not look at themselves this way. If I had to express, in three words, what most women think about their appearance, those words would be: "not good enough." No matter how attractive a woman may appear to others, when she looks at herself in the mirror, she thinks, "woof." She thinks that at any moment a municipal animal-control officer is going to throw a net over her and haul her off to the shelter.

Why do women have such low self-esteem? There are many complex psychological and societal reasons, by which I mean "Barbie." Girls grow up playing with a doll proportioned such that, if it were human, it would be seven feet tall and weigh 81 pounds, of which 53 pounds would be bosoms. This is a difficult appearance standard to live up to, especially when you contrast it with the standard set for little boys by their dolls . . . excuse me, by their action figures. Most of the action figures that my son played with when he was little were hideous looking. For example, he was fond of an action figure (part of the He-Man series) called "Buzz-Off," who was part human, part flying insect. Buzz-Off was not a looker. But he was extremely self-confident. You could not imagine Buzz-Off saying to the other action figures, "Do you think these wings makes my hips look big?"

But women grow up thinking they need to look like Barbie, which for most women is impossible, although there is a multibillion-dollar beauty industry devoted to convincing women that they must try. I once saw an Oprah show wherein supermodel Cindy Crawford dispensed makeup tips to the studio audience. Cindy had all these middle-aged women apply beauty products to their faces; she stressed how important it was to apply them in a certain way, using the tips of their fingers. All the women dutifully did this, even though it was obvious to any sane observer that no matter how carefully they applied these products, they would never look remotely like Cindy Crawford, who is some kind of genetic mutation.

I'm not saying that men are superior. I'm just saying that you're not going to get a group of middle-aged men to sit in a room and apply cosmetics to themselves under the instruction of Brad Pitt, in hopes of looking more like him. Men would realize that this task was pointless and demeaning. They would find some way to bolster their self-esteem that did not require looking like Brad Pitt. They would say to Brad, "Oh YEAH? Well what do you know about LAWN CARE, pretty boy?"

Of course many women will argue that the reason they become obsessed with trying to look like Cindy Crawford is that men, being as shallow as a drop of spit, WANT women to look that way. To which I have two responses:

1. Hey, just because WE'RE idiots, that does not mean YOU have to be; and

2. Men don't even notice 97 percent of the beauty efforts you make anyway. Take fingernails. The average woman spends 5,000 hours per year worrying about her fingernails; I have never once, in more than 40 years of listening to men talk about women, heard a man say, "She has a nice set of fingernails!" Many men would not notice if a woman had upward of four hands.

Anyway, to get back to my original point: If you're a man, and a woman asks you how she looks, you're in big trouble. Obviously, you can't say she looks bad. But you also can't say that she looks great, because she'll think you're lying, because she has spent countless hours, with the help of the multibillion-dollar beauty industry, obsessing about the differences between herself and Cindy Crawford. Also, she suspects that you're not qualified to judge anybody's appearance. This is because you have shaving cream in your hair.

There is no destiny there is only free will

quote of the day by King Arthur
Today is another day, of course it is hahaha. I woke up early, dress up, and went to volunteer work with my brother in law. Each day its getting colder and colder and i am not used to the cold weather since I came from a tropical country. It's my first autumn season here. And its nice and amazing, I'm like an innocent kid who experience or saw something new, and it makes me very excited. The colors of the trees are very pretty, it reminds me that its beautiful to live a life. Actually i hate those who says "I wanna die, I want to end this life". I am not judging them for saying that, whatever problem they may have. But come on, everyone has a problem, for me if I think about it life is full of exciting things, good and bad, but people fail to see the true beauty of life. People who says they want to end everything just don't see the good side of life, they don't appreciate little things that are happening to them. For me if the life goes against me? I just don't mind it, I mean I don't let it eat me alive hahaha. The greatest sadness or whatever you call it that I've experienced in my life for now is when my dad died, I did not cried because he died, I cried the WAY he died. And I have lots of question in my mind that only he can answer. But yeah I need to accept he is gone now. Even though he wasn't that very close to me and I hated him when I was younger, he was still my father, the reason why I am here. Enjoying and fighting for life.
If I did have a chance to choose a father, I will still choose him, coz I won't be the person I am now if not because of him.


I found this article in somewhere
and it makes me proud to be filipino
:) Its true everywhere there are filipinos.
I am proud to be one of those pinoy~~

Niagara Falls

My first tourist spot here in U.S.A
Its really nice, if you will see it you will say

horseshoe falls

view from observation tower, look at the people they are so small
hahaha i wonder how they built the observation tower on these place hahaha

this is a bridge obviously i think this is the bridge going to canada
well yeah i am certain this is the one from new york then going canada

observation tower

Maid of the mist boat experience
can u believe it we paid so that we will get wet lol
kinda lame but fun though hahaha

canada tower i don't know what they call it lol

this is cave of the winds i guess hahaha
you will really get close to the falls hahaha
and u can take a bath under it lol

finding nemo hahaha

he/she is really cute >.< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">got wet and acting cute XD which is not really cute hahaha

with our philippine shirt hahaha
from left is my brother in law, sister,me, sister, mom, the boy there is my nephew and the girl is my nephew's cousin :) some few members of family hahaha

end of the day, we went to a beautiful rest area near there and i think that was really picnic area but its close but we still went in hahaha...but yeah its a nice place hahaha..i look lame haha